Friday, September 9 – Junior High Night Football Game
The call time for all winds, percussion and color guard is 5 PM on the East Practice Field (Along Main Street).
The weather forecast calls for warm weather, high humidity, and a chance of rain. The combination of these factors and another performance at the University of Illinois Band Day the next day has resulted in a REVISED UNIFORM REQUIREMENT FOR FRIDAY’S GAME. All wind and percussion students should be wearing the following:
- Athletic/Gym Shoes (and athletic socks – white or black)
- Black, white, gray, or khaki shorts
- A primarily white, gray, black, purple t-shirt (Band t-shirt not required, needs to be clean for Saturday)
Upon arrival at school, students will be given a uniform purple District 99 polo shirt. The Marching Band will rehearse and perform in this uniform attire of gym shoes, shorts and polo. This will allow students to have their regular uniform clean and dry for the Saturday trip to Champaign.
Color Guard members will wear their regular uniform.