
Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Don't Delay! Get Your Band Banquet Tickets Today!!

The 2019 DGN Band Banquet / Awards Dinner ticket deadline is approaching. Sales close next week, on Friday, April 12. All students who have performed in curricular band classes, jazz band classes, or marching band are invited and encouraged to attend. Join us at Ashyana Banquets on Friday, May 3, as we honor the incredible students of the DGN Bands, and their musical accomplishments!

CLICK HERE for details about the Banquet and how to order your Banquet Tickets.

CLICK HERE to be redirected to the Ticket Order website.

Please remember, if there is a desire to attend, but family finances make the purchase of a ticket problematic at this time, contact Mr. Smith or Mr. Teague by phone or email.