
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Consider Summer Study of the Arts!

By geographical proximity, DGN students are fortunate to live within a relatively short driving distance of a myriad of amazing summer music and visual art camps. These camps and workshops cover a broad range of experiences:  shorter or longer, different types of music, different types of artistic media, college residential, and much, much more.

Pursuing musical or artistic study, in depth, in a camp setting during the summer months is a great way for a student artist to develop new competencies and stay motivated when school is not in session.

To access a list of summer music and visual art camp experiences, please CLICK HERE.

The DGN Friends of Fine Arts offer "Summer Study Grants" to DGN music and visual art students who plan to pursue their passion at an arts-related summer camp or workshop. CLICK HERE for the application, due Saturday, April 14, 2018.