
Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Giving Tree Update - Day 2 (with 1 day left to give!)

One of our band classes gave $310 today! WOW! Which class was it? We're not telling ... because it's anyone's giving-contest to win! Every band class improved their giving percentage today, which is fabulous. 

In total our band has raised $902 in two days. This is indeed wonderful, but less than half of what we raised in total last year. We are hopeful that our most generous giving is still ahead!

With very genuine thanks to everyone who has already given as much as they are able to donate, we pose this question to those who have not yet made a donation (or who might be able to give again): is there anything you can do without this week - or some small sacrifice you could make - that would allow you to make a donation on Wednesday, our final day? 

Thanks to all our students for your consideration of those in need! Your giving-spirit is inspiring!