
Friday, October 11, 2019

"Sounds of the Stadium" - Tonight at DGN!

Come out tonight (Friday night October 11th) at 7 PM in the Purple Gym to enjoy the Sounds of the Stadium with the DGN Trojan Marching Band! This is a great opportunity to catch the band's 2019 season repertoire  - featuring their amazing "...and beyond!" halftime show - without the threat of inclement weather or the challenge of chilly bleachers. And while we won't have the exciting play of our Trojan football team to cheer on (WE LOVE OUR TEAM!) we will have the continuous performance of the Trojan Marching Band with no gridiron action breaks.

The concert is free and open to the public. Doors open for seating at 6:30 PM.

Unavailable to join us on campus? The concert will be LIVE STREAMED (presuming a stable network signal in our gymnasium).